Interesting blog, huh?!! Hahaha well for me it is, since I love Disney and I’m a fan, as you may know if you already have read my 350 words post is that I’ve been to Disney literally 10 times and I don’t get tired of going there for me it is just so magical and fun.  I like the movies and I still have them since I was little, going to Disney with my family is like living these magical moments were no matter how old you are you still enjoy yourself and feel as if you were a kid again.  So when I enter our classroom and see on the screen this video that was paused like on a scene from my favorite movie and princess, which is Beauty and the Beast, my thoughts were that maybe we were going to see part of the movie or a documentary talking about “GOOD” things lol about Disney and I was excited (what can I say I’m a fan?!! xD)
               So when the teacher says it’s about the other side of Disney and looking at the messages they are really portraying through their movies, I was like “OMG this is not going to be good, I will be sad”.   My initial reaction after watching the documentary was just being shocked and experiencing mixed emotions; I can’t really find another word.  Why was I shocked?  Simply because I've never thought of those things or maybe never think about the movies those ways.  It was really impressive, at least for me, thinking about those details they presented and in some kind of way realize they were true.  On the other hand when I think about some things they presented I was like “common please, that’s just being exaggerated”.  I did learn a couple of things watching this documentary, but the one that I was like "that's so trueeeee!!!!" was about the movie "Little Mermaid" but let me tell you that it didn't hurt me that most because since I was little I did not like Ariel, for me she was "la princesa mas fea" hahaha It was interesting realizing that is so true that this girl basically is giving up who she is to be a human and with NO voice at all to conquer this man, is just "wow".
          How would I approach Disney in the future?!  Well I'm sorry for you guys but STILL a fan xD I do understand what they were explaining on the documentary and I know I have to be more aware of those things but at the same time watching it I was like, when I was little and still I watched this movie and I never thought of them those ways or ever think about those messages, it really didn't affect me throughout my childhood..but on the other hand, yes I would definitely be more aware about the Disney topic.

           To end my post, I leave you guys this funny and interesting picture below to think about...........

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