Let's start by knowing what an editorial is....

So based on the definitions I found on the internet, an editorial is acquiring or preparing material for publication or a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.

Here are the four editorials that I really liked and caught my attention:
Chicago Tribune 

Los Angeles Times 

     After looking and learning about these editorials the one I liked the most was "Claridad" just because I know this newspaper and read it sometimes.  "Claridad" is a national circulation seminar in Puerto Rico and it was founded on June 1, 1959.  The objective of this newspaper, that I must say is the most antique newspaper here in Puerto Rico, is fighting for the independence in Puerto Rico, the most important colony.The articles and news they present and about are analysis and critics of what’s happening in our island to make puertoricans have conscience and keep fighting for our land, it also talks about issues around Latin America since they are obviously part of us as latinos, socially, culturally and historically.  

     Based on what I know and learn about "Claridad" in my opinion the author is well informed on the topics he wants to make an statement and is clear on what he wants to pursue through the articles and analysis/critics.  Looking at this newspaper my favorite parts were: Internacionales/America Latina, Opinión  and Nacionales.  Since this newspaper if from here, our beloved Puerto Rico its written in spanish.  Finally I've got to say that I found the author really passionate about what he's doing, by reading the newspaper you can see and feel what he wants the reader to think, to feel, in other words is a great newspaper.  

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