As we all know yesterday was a unique day in Puerto Rico because of the protest that was happening in the north part of "El Capitolio" were lots of people mostly from religious groups came together to voice their feelings and thoughts on Law 54.  What's really happening is, based on the articles and news I read on the newspaper and internet is that the representative Luis Vega Ramos propose to make a new amendment to Law 54 to protect all couple/marriages no matter their sexual orientation from physical or emotional abuse.  When this news got out and spread "el pueblo" voice their thoughts against this amendments, they feel that by amending the law their approving homosexual marriage which is not correct and is against God creation and what the traditional family is.  Now what the political side is saying and/or proposing is that this amendment should be approved because of what happened on April 2011 on the Leandro Ruiz Martinez case were he abuse physically his partner and there were controversies to see if the law 54 will or will not be applied to the case or situation.  What the political side is proposing is to approve this in order to protect every person.  By the time it has seem that this situation really is important and does matter to "el pueblo" of Puerto Rico because they feel that by making or approving this amendment is just one step away in approving homosexual marriage at our island, so based on the final decision the political side made, this could definitely have social repercussions in the future on how things will be socially in Puerto Rico. 

Here are some of the articles I read to know more about the situation:



Well let me start by saying that I couldn't believe that our professor would put us in such situation (don't take this bad profe :) is just that we're all different and the topic could create controversies in the classroom) in which we have to talk about a really controversial topic in which we all have really REALLY different opinions.  Even though I feel that this topic is not really appropriate to be discussing in class because of everyone personal and different opinions, I will give my thoughts and feelings on this and of course read and respect everyone else's because I think this is what is about respecting everyone personal thinking. 

So of course this is a really important issue to us because its affecting our society and beloved island of Puerto Rico, to me, well…it is an important topic to know about and to see for which side things will develop better, because of what happens at the end its going to set on how things will go around our society.   So what position or stance I’m taking?!! ... Well, I don’t like to pick sides and fight and yell about things, I’m a really easy going and peaceful person, but I got to say that I’m a Christian and as a Christian I really know where I stand and what I believe in, what my principles and believes are.  So based on that I think we all know which side I’m in. As the Christian I am, I respect everyone as they are, I don’t like to judge people, and I think that if you want to be homosexual then be it that’s not my life or my issue but you don’t have to yell it to the whole world you are.  I have friends and I mean close friends that are homosexuals and maybe you won’t believe me but they were against this spectacles the LGBT community have been giving, for example on valentine’s day here at our university and even in the “Capitolio” protest.  I think that no matter what you are, heterosexual or homosexual, you don’t have to be publishing your personal life for anyone (but this doesn't have to really do anything with the main issue).   That’s what I got to say I believe in God so I don’t believe or think that same sex marriage is appropriate but for that I don’t judge anyone, I like to respect everyone so they can respect me back.

WHAT OTHER ISSUES SHOULD BE ADDRESS AS THIS ONE?!!  Well of course (and I think lots of you agree on that) the criminality and economy status of Puerto Rico.  I mean look at the news, it’s really sad and depressing to read and/or hear every day this horrible events of death and murder that have been happening here.  I think we all should come together, no matter what your believes are and fight, and protest for “el bienestar” of our beautiful island and “echar pa’lante”.

So lets start with love songs I hate, here goes the first one....

"Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber.  I've never heard about this song till one my friends was talking about how lame this song was...& trust me when I did hear the song and read the lyrics my friend was not lying lol just with one of the parts that says "I could be your Buzz Lightyear fly across the globe"..  Oh God, really ?!! ..I just found it so lame lol sorry if one of you guys are fan of his! haha 

Next one is Taylor Swift with her song "You Belong With Me".  So I have to admit I know the song and I can sing to it when I'm hearing it, & I even like her... but this song, the lyrics are some kind of pathetic :S lol 

Now lets get to the best part...I guess..Two of the most romantic songs I really like:

So as you may know by now... I love love love Frank Sinatra and his song "Fly me to the moon" is one of my favorite romantic songs, it is just cute & simple (the Lyrics)..just perfect <3 Not with all this "palabras rebuscadas" that most of the artists tend to look for and/or use. 

Second love song I like is: "Baby it's cold outside" by Dean Martin.  I just found the lyrics beautiful in the way his telling the "woman/girl" like "please don't go, stay with me a little more" with any silly and cute excuse. 

Moving on, now here are my ANTI-VALENTINES DAY songs: 

First of is Avril Lavigne with her song "What The Hell".  I particularly like this song and I found that she's so carefree & like "whatever" I will do my own thing no matter what you think or say.  Overall it's kind of like "fun" song too. 

Second and last anti-vday song is "Funhouse" by Pink.  So I really like Pink too and this song.  In some kind of way is "anti-vday" just cause it seems that she just broke up but she's ready to move on and be free and careless. 

So how can I say this lol even though the professor told us not to say that we've never had a BAD Valentines Day before.. well that's my case lol I've never had a bad or sad valentines day before its just that I'm such a happy person that loves to enjoy life no matter what and besides if I don't have that someone special to spend it with, there's always my friends there and of course my family.  I'm the type of girl that never worries about having a boyfriend, even though most of my best friends have, that's not an issue to me.  Yeah it is nice to spend it with that special guy and doing something special and everything but I cannot say that in the past I have had a bad valentines day..well maybe the closest and "sadest" valenties day you could say I've had, was this time when I was a kid and my parents went to travel during that holiday and I really did miss them those days, but it was no bad neither sad (does that couts?!! XD).    My best valentine day (well I really couldn't pick one exactly lol) but most of the time have been great, when I was in school my parents used to send me "canastas" full of candy & chocolate, I really loved that (who wouldn't?! lol).  One of the valentines I do remember the most was 12th grade, that day all of my classmates/friends gather together in school and have a really nice day and everyone brought their valentines cards, chocolate, special gifts for the bff's lol it was great I did love my highschool years, they were really good times with my friends.   
So here are the 3 questions I chose: 

1-) How important is technology in education?

So I chose this question because nowadays I think that it is an issue in some schools between different points of views from teachers.  Through this century and years technology has become the sensation of most of the people and with it inventions and new programs it has renovated lots of things but as in talking about a classroom or school I think it depends on the teacher.  As a future teacher I think that of course technology could be a very fun and interesting source for using in class to teach a new subject but it can also be fun using some other old techniques and stuff, what I’m saying is that it depends on how the teacher project and present the material to the student, technology doesn't have to be there to make it fun and awesome.

2-) Should culture be an integral part of the educational system?

DEFINITELY.  Culture should be part of the educational system just because as a teacher or maybe as a student you can find in classrooms different kids from around the world.  Not every culture is the same so I think it should be taught to gather every single student in the classroom to know more about each other and appreciate every tradition and culture from other places around the world.

3-) The importance of extracurricular activities in school.

In my opinion extracurricular activities are very important just because you let the student have some fun and at the same time learn something.  As teachers we have to the let the students be themselves and learn that everything about school is not just reading, writing or some other stuff they might find boring and that it could be fun.


       RESEARCH!!?? … So just like the professor I do get goosebumps just by hearing the word.  It just sound so complicated and like a LOT of work, work that could not be so fun.  Getting back to the word, what does it mean? According to Google Research means: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.  
       Basically as we know is looking for information about a topic and getting to know more about it.  Even though I do not find researching so much fun...well not that I don’t find it fun it just that it depends on what topic I’m looking for.  Trust me if it’s about something I’m interested in I will look up everything I can to learn more and more.   What I found interesting about researching is learning and discovering new stuff, facts that maybe even could help you in your own personal life.  If I was to do a research, at the time I don’t know, but maybe it would be about something that's affecting school, society or some other topic related to that because it could help to grow and learn more as the future teacher I plan to be. 

So my results on the career test were…..ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging).  “The Nurturer” (still confused by what “nurturer” means).  An ISFJ primary goal of living is focused internally, taking things via the five senses in a literal, concrete fashion and as a secondary mode it would be external, dealing with things according to how they feel about them or how things fit into their own personal value system.

First I was confused and didn’t think this would match my personality or way of being but then getting to know or reading a little more about what an ISFJ supposed to be or is I found myself reading in some kind of way a brief description about me. An example would be being kind to others and or sensitive, and value or respect other people’s feelings, for most of the things it really did describe me.

I did was surprised by the results because one of the careers that was on the list was being an Elementary Teacher and that’s what my future goal is becoming an Elementary English teacher, I think you may already know that if you've been reading a couple of my posts.

So here are some job offers and paths ISFJ should apply for or consider according their personality.  

If you want to know more about ISFJ, click HERE and in the next link below you will find some famous people that are consider ISFJ just like me:
Famous People ISFJ 


The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this picture was just an expression like "What a beautiful sunset!". It also reminds me of just being there by yourself thinking, gathering your thoughts, reading a book, enjoying peace and life or maybe being with a love one, just by each other side and enjoying the sunset, talking, looking at the sky, romance etc.

Choosing a picture was not easy, but this one, was the one, I really did enjoy the view just as if I was the one there enjoying myself and looking at the beautiful sky.  I think I'm the kind of person who doesn't need to much to be impressed, as an example of this picture just by having a view as this I'm happy. 
I think that's the reason I did chose it.

Sunset of Thoughts

     There I was, alone; alone at the beach contemplating the sun, the beautiful sunset.  It was Sunday and I just wanted to enjoy myself and gather my thoughts.  I was feeling lost.  There were a lot of things happening around me and I was thinking that I have lost everything.  When I decided to go to the beach it was with the purpose of finding the answers I needed for lots of questions.

    Who am I?!  What should I do?!  I was thinking....but then when I was seating in the sand, caressing it with my hands, looking into sun I saw this glimpse of faith, peace, and happiness coming out of the sun.  That was the answer…the sign I needed to tell myself to enjoy life and that no matter what happens in life, you should always keep your head up and be thankful for another day, another opportunity in life to fulfill your dreams and get back up when you think you’re falling.

    That day, that beautiful sunset gave me the strength to appreciate life no matter the circumstances…

*The element I would like to research is the sky or just the clouds, it really did caught my attetion and I just simply found it beautiful and relaxing.